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CDN Vision for 2022

I am at the high school track. No, I’m not setting off on a new year's resolution of lapping this thing every day. I am thinking about the verse that says, “let us run the race marked out for us.”

I believe that God has a race marked out for us. We are believing that we're going to see more and more churches planted this year. There will be a movement that unfolds where we'll see training centers emerge, encounter weekends happening, and church planters sent out.

In fact, we're capturing this idea in a simple phrase that's going to guide us this year.

Every church a Training Center

We're believing that every church we plant will become a training center to plant more churches. To reach that goal, just for starters, we're going to have to make a few strategic adjustments:

First, Our monthly skills call.

The call takes place on the fourth Tuesday and then the following Wednesday every month. We will focus in on trainers during that call.

Second, Gather all the trainers together in a catalyst gathering.

The next one will happen March 14-15, 2022 in Aberdeen. We will get around a table to share best practices and to encourage one another. We plan to pour into trainers so that you can coach and mentor at the next level.

Third, is the Sent Summit.

The summit is our time to introduce as many people as possible to this mission and this vision. Mark June 2-4, 2022 in your calendar. Reserve your ticket now using coupon code: SUMMIT25 for $25 off.

Pray with us join us link your heart with ours to believe that we'll see, “Every church become a Training Center.” This is our specific race set out before us for 2022. If you are ready, I’ll see you on the track!

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